Monday, March 14, 2011

Spring has sprung!

Spring is my favorite time of year. Warm days. New Life. New beginnings. Each sunny day full of promises of things to explore, hills to roll down.

On friday, we spent time with Charity, Rowan and Reese. It's fantastic because Rowan and Esther are both 4 as well as Rachel and Reese being 2. Plus, they are all blond and blue eyed. A beautiful band of girls who are often found strolling and skipping hand in hand in hand in hand...

Later on that day, we saw new baby ducklings with their mummy! It was wonderful! We spent a lot of time just watching them and talking about them. Every day we look out the window in the morning to see if we can see swimming with her babies in tow. We counted EIGHTEEN! That's a big family!

Also, we have seedlings! Our seeds are GROWING! A flower bloomed on our Jalapeno plant today too! The chives and rosemary have not germinated but I am still optimistic. Soon we will have fresh jalapenos, tomatoes, strawberries, oregano, cilantro, basic and thyme for our kitchen but some beautiful flowers to sweeten our day. The girls run to the porch window after looking for the ducklings to see how much growing their plants have done. Last week they took sang to the plants. Today, they played the harmonica for them and also the plants are prayed for nightly. No wonder they are doing so well!

We also went to the farmers markets at Pearland and Froberts, how wonderful to have honey from local beekeepers and locally grown fruit and veg. On saturday, I shopped the stalls while Josh and the girls played 'soccer' on the adjacent field. Yes, spring has sprung and I plan to enjoy it before the long, hot, Texas summer...

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