Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Burn the Floor Houston

Late last week I was browsing through my Facebook news feed and came across a post by The Cloth Diaper Foundation that mentioned a give away for Houston moms.

Naturally I was intrigued and excited. So I followed the link to , a blog by Lisa Johnston about healthy living, family, product reviews and giveaways.

The giveaway was for Burn The Floor starring Mark Ballas from Dancing with the Stars.

I remember looking forward to watching Simply Come Dancing with Bruce Forsyth when it came out, I think 7-8 years ago now? The beautiful dresses, the expressiveness of dance that conveys our innermost feelings and desires so elegantly.

What little girl doesn't want to be wearing a long flowing dress, as she is waltzed across the room by a chivalrous prince charming?

I decided to enter the ticket giveaway to see this dance performance fresh from Broadway. I love going to the theaters, watching the skill, talents and choreography. It was a teenage dream to be on broadway, sadly, I never had the dance lessons or the voice, but it was a dream non the less that I slip back into once in a while when watching live performances.

I didn't expect to win. I never win giveaways and competitions! But I did, and it was fantastic! Josh and I went on a much needed date night. Joel slept all the way through in my wrap.

Our favorite part was the swing segment. It's amazing how they do all the lifts, and well, I love the music too!

The icing to the cake was the meet Lisa, owner of 50in8 and manager of The Cloth Diaper Foundation. She was there on a mommy-daughter night. Our seats were on opposite sides of the Mezzanine, so we played Wheres Waldo, resulting with me eventually standing up and waving randomly in the intermission, that did the trick!

And just because... here is a picture of me and Joel 'dancing under the stars' outside afterward...

1 comment:

  1. i am SO happy you got go and had a great time!! (i'm jealous!)
